US/ICOMOS and its principal partners (ICOMOS, IUCN, World Heritage Centre, National Trust for Historic Preservation, Presidio Trust, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, National Park Service/Golden Gate National Recreation Area) are proud to present Forward Together: A Culture-Nature Journey, Towards More Effective Conservation in a Changing World. This 2018 US/ICOMOS Symposium will advance understanding of the essential interconnectedness of cultural and natural heritage conservation, and share the latest international developments, strategies, techniques and technical solutions with US and international practitioners.
WHY: There is a growing recognition among US and international heritage professionals that, in order to improve conservation outcomes, a significantly enhanced understanding of approaches to the integration of cultural and natural heritage conservation and stewardship—crossing professional specialties and disciplines– is essential. Such major exploratory efforts like the ICOMOS/IUCN Connecting Practice initiative, about to enter its third phase, have set the stage. The Nature-Culture Journey during the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Honolulu in 2016, and the Culture-Nature Journey during the ICOMOS Triennial General Assembly in Delhi, India in 2017 have provided forums for international natural and cultural heritage practitioners to share ideas and best practices. Forward Together will address the need of bringing the latest international theory, practices and techniques to a broad audience of US historic preservation practitioners for the first time, and will invite their ideas about actionable ways to improve conservation outcomes at the local, state, regional and national level in the US.
For more information and updates, visit the Forward Together website.
Register Before July 31 for Best Forward Together, PastForward Combined Registration Fee